How To Do A Handstand
Logan Christopher, RKC
April 16, 2008 11:36 AM
Being able to hold a handstand displays the control that you have over your body. Holding a handstand with ease is sure to amaze and even shock your friends and family.
Since you are reading this article then I know you want to master this skill. People often ask me if there are secrets to the handstand. The answer is most definitely YES. In this article I aim to share with you some of those secrets.
The first step in learning the free standing handstand is definitely not to try to do a handstand. That is the long, slow road to success.
Instead there are three skills you should master before you even attempt a free standing handstand. Why is this? Simply because these skills are easier themselves and will build the foundation you need to reach the handstand.
The first skill is a handstand against a wall. There are many fine points to this position. Before you kick-up you want to make sure your arms are shoulder width apart and your elbows are locked. Place your weight on your hands and kick with one leg and then bring the other up to meet it. It will take time to get use to the proper force you must kick with to get up into position but not overdoing it and putting holes in the wall.

Now that you are holding a handstand against the wall. Push your arms up and try to stretch upwards. Remember this position. Over time you will want to work up to holding the handstand against the wall for one minute.

The second exercise is called a knee on elbow stand or frogstand. Squat down away from the wall and place your hands on the ground shoulder width apart. Spread your fingertips wide. You want to put your knees on the outsides of your elbows. Slowly, shift your weight forward until your feet come off of the ground.

This position will teach you to balance with your hands. After all its called hand balancing for a reason. But this trick is a lot easier than the handstand because you have a lower center of gravity. Learn how to shift the balance by pressing down and letting up with your fingertips.
The third exercise is the headstand. You can start next to the wall with this one but once you get use to it then you will want to do this freestanding as well. Start in the same position as the frogstand but this time place your head on the ground. Your head and hands should form a tripod or triangle shape. Bring your legs in toward your stomach then raise them over head until they are straight and pointed. Shift your weight between your head and hands to stay balanced.

This trick will teach you the proper body position to stay balanced. You entire body from your head to you toes needs to keep tight so that you can stay balanced.
The wall handstand will teach you the proper position you need for the handstand and builds your endurance. The frog stand teaches you balancing with your hands. The headstand will teach you how to control your body when you are upside down and in the air.
Once you can hold all three of these positions each for a minute long you will be primed and ready to start on learning the freestanding handstand.
The next step is to go for the real handstand. There are two ways to go about this. One is to kick up in an open area and try to hold the position. Use everything you have learned from the lead-up exercises.
The kick-up into a handstand is a skill in and of itself that must be mastered. You should aim to kick up the same each time so that you can easily find your balance. This move goes a long way towards helping you consistently do a freestanding handstand.

The other option is start with a wall handstand and come off of the wall slightly until you are balancing. Just dig your fingertips into the ground while keeping your body tight and your should come off the wall. Fight to maintain your balance and soon enough you will.
One more thing needs to be added. If you truly want to master this skill you need to work at it. Even with the tips and tricks I've provided you will not learn it overnight. Be persistent and you will succeed.
Good luck and good hand balancing.
Logan Christopher is based in Santa Cruz, CA. With the lack of information on hand balancing and acrobatics he decided to start his own website. For more information including a free detailed guide on the handstand and other helpful articles visit or email him at