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DVRT The Ultimate Sandbag Training System

For Dynamic Power, Superior Athletic Performance and Enduring Strength

By Josh Henkin, CSCS

Paperback 8.5 x 11, 286 pages

Read foreword by Robert dos Remedios

In the full-contact arena, athletes contend with an ever-shifting set of challenges: sudden changes in velocity, power, force, weight, and energy-demand. The athlete needs to withstand powerful blows directed at any part of the body, to accelerate and decelerate at a moment’s notice, to strike back with blinding power and to remain stable in a highly unstable environment. The athlete needs to be this dynamic—while simultaneously minimizing the risk of personal injury. He needs a cat’s agile movement skills, a bull’s rock-like strength and a stallion’s enduring power.

The rest of us are “everyday athletes”. Yet—while the level of physical challenge may be less intense—we can still strive to cultivate the same foundational movement skills, the same foundational strength and the same foundational power. Because we want to be in the best shape we can be—to be truly fit for anything life throws at us…high-energy, less prone to injury, more capable, more self-reliant, vigorous and physically appealing.

After years of frustration and years of diligent applied-research, Josh designed a very specific type of sandbag device—and formulated a remarkably thorough training system—which has proven to meet exactly those functional athletic needs. As the name implies, Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) prepares ANY athlete to handle whatever challenge comes their way—with a far greater likelihood of success and with a much-reduced chance of injury.

“Josh has revolutionized the functional fitness industry in a very short period of time. His DVRT program has became a cornerstone for elite programs like the US Army Special Forces Recruiting Battalion, SWAT teams, and top fitness facilities from around the world. Coaches from over 80 countries are now using the DVRT system worldwide…and this population is growing at a record pace. Why? IT WORKS.”—ROBERT DOS REMEDIOS, MA, CSCS, MSCC, Collegiate Strength & Conditioning Coach, Author

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Why the Ultimate Sandbag—Properly Used—Has a HUGE Athletic ROI

In the full-contact arena, athletes contend with an ever-shifting set of challenges: sudden changes in velocity, power, force, weight, and energy-demand. The athlete needs to withstand powerful blows directed at any part of the body, to accelerate and decelerate at a moment’s notice, to strike back with blinding power and to remain stable in a highly unstable environment. The athlete needs to be this dynamic—while simultaneously minimizing the risk of personal injury. He needs a cat’s agile movement skills, a bull’s rock-like strength and a stallion’s enduring power.

The rest of us are "everyday athletes". Yet—while the level of physical challenge may be less intense—we can still strive to cultivate the same foundational movement skills, the same foundational strength and the same foundational power. Because we want to be in the best shape we can be—to be truly fit for anything life throws at us…high-energy, less prone to injury, more capable, more self-reliant, vigorous and physically appealing.

Whether as a highly-ranked basketball player, as a strongman, as a coach, or as a personal trainer, Josh Henkin has been on a lifelong search for the perfect tools and the perfect system to cultivate this level of multi-functional athleticism. After years of frustration and years of diligent applied-research, Josh designed a very specific type of sandbag device—and formulated a remarkably thorough training system—which has proven to meet exactly those functional athletic needs. As the name implies, Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT™) prepares ANY athlete to handle whatever challenge comes their way—with a far greater likelihood of success and with a much-reduced chance of injury.

Besides the magic design of the Ultimate Sandbag itself, the great secret of DVRT is in the skillful use of incremental progressions for the development of strength, power and elegant movement. As a result, you’ll find yourself mastering crucial moves like the squat pattern, much faster. You’ll find yourself a master of whole body synergistic connection. You’ll find yourself challenge by true multi-planar training—with extraordinary benefits for you in the "real" world. You’ll find yourself with a new mastery of inter and intra muscular coordination—the key to high level athletic skill in all activities.

In his extraordinarily thorough and meticulously illustrated DVRT book, Josh Henkin provides a complete blueprint for developing your athletic skills to any level you wish—and for any physical arena in which you need to excel.
What You’ll Get When You Invest in DVRT The Ultimate Training System…
  • Why the DVRT system can get you moving better within a matter of minutes—1
  • Combine variety, purpose and controlled development in your training—thanks to an almost infinite array of progressional exercises—1
  • Why the right tool for the right job does matter and why the Ultimate Sandbag can so very often be that right tool—2
  • Why use variable resistance tools/odd object lifting?—5
  • The difference between lifting static/predictable weights and real life energetics—5
  • How "active fluid resistance" will enhance your stability and control—5
  • How DVRT reduces the chance of injury because of improved joint stability—6
  • Why odd object training develops rugged power more effectively than barbells—6
  • Understanding the role of the stabilizers in the athletic process—6
  • The primary system for creating strength is not the muscles, it is THIS—6
  • The two forms of neural coordination—and what most matters—6
  • How improving stabilizer strength improves overall strength and health—7
  • How to develop a physically "smarter" body—8
  • How incorrect odd-object training can lead to overtraining and injury—9 
"Easy to understand and well thought out, this is a complete breakdown of Henkin’s DVRT system and all of the movement progressions that are contained within. Complete and thorough, yet concise and simple at the same time—highly recommended!"—ALWYN COSGROVE, owner of Results Fitness, co-author of the New Rules of Lifting series
  • Odd Object Training—11
  • The significance of changing dimension as a strength enhancer—11
  • How to employ "strategic dimension change" to your full athletic advantage—12
  • The discovery that rocked the very foundations of sandbag training—12
  • How rotational strength drills results in a far more dynamic grip—14
  • How the correct system sparks creativity and leads to greater progress—17
  • Why focusing on load only leads to more, frustrating plateaus—18
  • How old time strongmen used the secret of "micro-incremental loading" to explode their strength gains—19
  • How to effectively employ speed for greater strength gains—20-22
  • What exercise tempo creates the greatest energy expenditure? The answer may shock you!—22
  • How to increase your TUT, or time under tension and why you’d want to—22
  • Dr. Yessis and the extreme secret of "dynamic isometrics"—23
  • How to give an exercise the feeling of an increased load—24
  • 11 different holding positions for more effective strength gains—25
  • How to use progressively more challenging positions to stimulate more of the body’s athletic potential—26 
"I have always been a proponent of odd object lifting.  Josh Henkin takes this type of training to a whole new level.  The DVRT is a system that truly delivers functional strength gains.  This book is not just about learning to lift Ultimate Sandbags, it is about moving better, becoming athletic, and developing dynamic power. The progressions and programming will provide a blueprint for achieving your athletic goals."—JON BRUNEY, author of Neuro-Mass, Guinness Book of World Records holder
  • The DVRT Movements—29
  • Foundational Hip Hinging—29
  • Could THIS be one of the worst-ever inventions in the modern fitness era?—29
  • The 3 measures of a true strongman—30
  • Why the hip hinge is so crucial to master—30
  • How the deadlift is used as a movement pattern in the DVRT system—32
  • The integral role of tempo in sandbag deadlifts—35
  • How to decelerate in the lowering phase of the deadlift—35
  • Slow lowering and compensation patterns in the hip hinge—36
  • Staggered Stances—38
  • How strongmen use the staggered stance to more quickly strengthen the legs—38
  • THE perfect, subtle position change that optimizes the benefits of the staggered stance—39
  • Key compensations to watch for—41
  • Rear Step Deadlift—42
  • How to enhance your movement skill by NOT doing these sterile, yet popular gym-based exercises—43
  • The DVRT Deadlift checklist—44
  • Why DVRT provides challenges to your movement skills that are as incremental as possible—45
  • How to change load position to increase the challenge—45
  • Front Loaded Good Morning—46
  • How to reduce the negatives and minimize low back stress in Good Mornings—46
  • The positive difference in benefits between the Sandbag Front Load and the barbell Zercher squat—48
  • THIS is fantastic for upper back and trunk strength—49
  • The DVRT Front Hold Good Morning checklist—52
  • How to accelerate off the ground with the USB—52
  • Cautions about training accelerative lifts—52
  • The Bear Hug Clean—53
  • Why the Bear Hug Clean is the most stable of all lower body dominant positions—56
  • The optimal methods for lifting—56
  • How the Bear Hug Clean improves speed and the manipulation of speed (a hallmark of great athletes)—57
  • How to be more efficient and purposeful in your movements—57
  • The DVRT Bear Hug Clean checklist—58
  • The Power Clean—58
  • The 4 great goals you accomplish with the Bear Hug Clean—58
  • How to progressively create and absorb more force—58
  • The difference between creating and absorbing force—59
  • The High Pull—69
  • The primary goal of the High Pull—61
  • Key mistakes to avoid with the High Pull—61
  • For athletes—how best to stimulate triple extension—62
  • Why it is crucial to train for eccentric forces—64
  • How to create more efficient movement through deceleration training—65
  • The 3 major reasons people experience injuries during fast deceleration—and how to avoid them—65
  • The DVRT High Pull checklist—67
  • Why you need to precede the Power Clean with quality work on your High Pull—68
  • The 6 major performance keys for the Power Clean—68
  • The difference between the Power Clean and Clean—72
  • For sports: the all important RED or Rate of Force Development—72
  • How to use your strength faster—72
  • How to be strong AND fast—72
  • The role of asymmetrical loading—75
  • The primary goal of all asymmetrical patterns is THIS—75
  • Why most coaches and athletes mistakenly shy away from ASM loading—75
  • The DVRT Shouldering checklist—76
  • The Snatch—77
  • What the Snatch is in the DVRT system—77
  • How to perform the Sandbag Snatch—78
  • How the Sandbag Snatch differs from—and can be better than—the barbell Snatch—78
  • The single biggest mistake in the SS—79
  • The DVRT Snatch checklist—80
  • Squatting Progressions—82
  • Why is the squat NOT the king of all lower body exercises?—82
  • How to optimize the many benefits of squatting—83
  • How poor squat-ability negatively impacts our health and performance—and what to do about it—83
  • The Bear Hug Squat—83
  • Why the BHS is especially important—83
  • Do you make these mistakes with your bodyweight squats?—84
  • How to safely trick the body into being more flexible—85
  • Why the BHS can dramatically improve correct squat posture—86
  • How to pick the perfect weight to optimize the BHS—87
  • How to pick the perfect dimension to optimize the BHS—88
  • The DVRT BHS checklist—91
  • Front Loaded Squat—92
  • How the FLS truly makes the squat a full body exercise—92
  • How to optimize the benefits of the FLS—94-96
  • THIS simple strategy will immediately strengthen you—and save your knees!—95
  • The crucial, correct elbow position for FLS—95
  • Using "Time Under Tension" correctly to maximally challenge in the FLS—96
  • The DVRT FLS checklist—97
  • How to perform the Shoulder Squat—98-102
  • How combining the benefits of both the Shoulder Squat and the Squat creates a "super hero" exercise—98
  • Do you make these mistakes with the Shoulder Squat?—100
  • How to spot and fix compensations and deviations in the Shoulder Squat—101
  • How to use a kettlebell to progress people from bilateral loading into more asymmetrical positions—102
  • Why the Shoulder Squat can reduce lower back pain—103
  • The DVRT Shoulder Squat checklist—103
  • The lost secret of Staggered Squatting—for greater, more realistic athleticism—104
  • How to satisfy both load and stability requirements—104
  • Don’t make THIS fatal mistake with your SS—you are setting yourself up for lower back pain—106
  • The DVRT SS checklist—106
  • Is there ever a good time to back squat a USB or odd object?—107
  • Can I overhead squat in DVRT?—108
  • Could THIS be the most underrated exercise in the world?—109
  • The great mistake that many of the best fitness pros and coaches make all the time—110
  • Why unilateral exercises are crucial for effective athletic function—112
  • How single-leg squatting will up your numbers for the bi-lateral squat—112
  • Why the Lunge is a primal movement most of us no longer properly perform—113
  • Why hunger can be a lifter’s and coach’s best asset—113
  • How to overcome the Fear Factor in the Lunge—113
  • How to unlock the hip flexor brakes—a huge sticking point in many lifts—115
  • The DVRT Split Squat and Lunge checklist—116
  • How to establish correct loading positions for the Split Squat—117
  • How to perform the Ipsilateral and Contralateral Shoulder Split Squat—121
  • Don’t make these mistakes with your Split Squats—122
  • The DVRT Asymmetrical Loading Lunge Pattern checklist—123
  • DVRT Loading Position Progressions—123
  • How to transition from static to dynamic loading—125
  • Why direction is so important in Lunge stepping—125
  • THIS is what most people struggle with—and why you don’t have to—125
  • How to perform the Drop Step Lunge—126
  • Why the DSL is one of the biggest-bang-for-the-buck exercises for your back—126
  • The 10 DVRT Drop Step Lunge Progressions—127
  • How to master the Drop Step power movement—130
  • How to fix two common errors in the Power Clean—132
  • How mastering the Drop Lunge explosive movements can make a massive difference to your functional power—134 
"Josh has revolutionized the functional fitness industry in a very short period of time. His DVRT program has became a cornerstone for elite programs like the US Army Special Forces Recruiting Battalion, SWAT teams, and top fitness facilities from around the world. Coaches from over 80 countries are now using the DVRT system worldwide…and this population is growing at a record pace. Why? IT WORKS."—ROBERT DOS REMEDIOS, MA, CSCS, MSCC, Collegiate Strength & Conditioning Coach, Author
  • The New Functional Fitness—135
  • The Rotational Lunge—the #1 exercise for expressing the concepts of the DVRT—136
  • Use THIS 3-step progression to master the RL—140-141
  • Why the RL is the most pronounced multi-planar drill—141
  • Why the RL is in the top 5 movements for training athletes—142
  • The DVRT RL checklist—142

  • Upper Body DVRT Drills—143
  • The key relationship between the Front Plank and the Overhead Press—144
  •  The DVRT Overhead Press checklist—147
  • How to alleviate lower back problems by proper movement of the hips and thoracic spine—149
  • How Tall Kneeling Around the World can wake up dormant muscles and improve overall movement function—150
  • The 3 major benefits of TKAW—150
  • Try this 3-step super-efficient warm-up to waste less time—152
  • Fine-tuning the Press—153
  • Performance keys that will make all the difference—153
  • 3 common mistakes that can hinder your success in the USB Press to fists—154-155
  • The 5 major keys to a powerful Press—157
  • How to program ratios of clean to fists and overhead presses—158
  • How to enhance strength by making your nervous system smarter—159
  • How to use the Military Press position to challenge the body more—163
  • Why kneeling and half-kneeling lifting postures are key to safe and consistent strength gains—165
  • How to optimize kneeling and half-kneeling for supreme functioning—165-168
  • How Josh pressed a 97 lb kettlebell 5 times, 6 weeks after neck fusion—168
  • How to use the off-set grip to transform the USB into a one-arm press—169
  • 5 reasons why the off-set grip should be added to your arsenal—171
  • Discover the Arc Press—another powerful Press variation that builds optimal body integration—172-175
  • The Many Ways to Overhead Press—178-186 
Josh Henkin’s new DVRT book is well-written and contains tons of useful information. By useful, I mean techniques and programs that produce real-world results. As coaches, it's our job to get our clients in the best possible shape in the least amount of time. This book delivers just that! Whether you are a coach or an individual looking for optimum results, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of DVRT."—RICK MAYO, President, North Point Training Systems, international fitness presenter
  • Training with a Twist—187
  • Understanding the importance of rotational movement training for improved athletic function—187
  • The high risks of NOT including rotational training—187
  • Why you want to avoid the Russian Twist at all costs—188
  • How to evaluate your hips’ "motion health"—189
  • The Shin Squat—189
  • How to evaluate the hip’s ability to internally rotate—189
  • The Rotational Press—190
  • How proper rotation through the body can generate power and efficiency in the entire body—190
  • The mechanics of the Inside Out Clean—193-195
  • The Rotational Clean and High Pull—196-198
  • How to use both feedback and feedforward systems to ensure a complete training effect—198
  • Shoveling—199-202
  • The positive benefits of extending the leverage of the weight—199
  • How to perform Shoveling for optimal strength and explosive power—200-202
  • Core Training—203
  • Understanding which DVRT drills are specifically geared to improve the ability to integrate the core—203
  • Lateral Bag Drags—204
  • Why the LBD is great for rehabbing/strengthening the upper body—204
  • How to teach bracing to your clients—205
  • How to improve mobility in the thoracic spine and the shoulders—205
  • Troubleshooting the perfect LBD—206-208
  • How to regress the LBD for deconditioned clients—208
  • How to perform the Kneeling Lateral Bag Drag—208-209
  • How to safely progress the LBD—211
  • The Around the World—212
  • How to teach your core the skill of mobility and change how much force it creates—212
  • The how-to’s of the ATW—213-216
  • Common errors to avoid in the ATW—215
  • The 4 huge benefits of the ATW—216
  • The Cyclone—a signature move of the DVRT—216-218
  • How the Cyclone combines rotational power, deceleration strength, reactivates core ability and upper body mobility—218
  • How the Cyclone helps you to react, rotate, decelerate—and still be strong—219
  • Bridge to Pullover and the how-to’s—218-223
  • THIS is a great cue for avoiding lower back problems with the Bridge—220
  • Leg Threading and the how-to’s—223-228
  • THESE are the special benefits you get from practicing the Ultimate Get Up—223
  • The difference between coaching movement and coaching exercise—227
  • How a badly injured strongman regained his squat ability with Leg Threading—227
  • THIS one technique can make or break the Bridge—228
  • Can You Build Muscle with DVRT?—229
  • 5 variations of Bent Over Rows—and their advantages—230-234
  • Bicep Curls—234
  • Why Bicep Curls CAN be an important functional exercise that deserves to be part of your arsenal—234-237
  • Carries—238-239
  • These 3 key attributes define a truly strong strongman—238
  • The benefits of carrying weights—238
  • The Bear Hug Carry and how-to’s—239
  • The Front Hold Carry and why this is Josh’s personal favorite—240
  • The Shoulder Carry—241
  • Are you making these common mistakes with the SC?—241
  • The Overhead Carry—a great feat of stability and strength—242
  • DVRT Programming—243
  • The art of fitness comes from understanding how to put THESE pieces together to match your goals—243
  • The First Great Myth of Programming—244
  • The Second Great Myth of Programming—245
  • The Third Great Myth of Programming—246
  • Purposeful Progressions—246
  • What makes for a good beginner program?—246
  • How much weight to choose?—247
  • How often should you train?—248
  • What if your workouts are too easy or too difficult?—248-249
  • THIS dramatic technique spikes the heart rate and builds tremendous strength—248
  • Weeks 1-6, 7-13, Beginner Workouts, 3 workouts for each—250-252
  • Weeks 1-6, 7-13, Intermediate Workouts, 3 workouts for each—253-256
  • Weeks 1-6, 7-13, Advanced Workouts, 3 workouts for each—257-260
  • The power of ladders to make your workouts more effective—261
  • How to best use ladders with the USB—262
  • Density Training (how to do more in less time)—263-265
  • Escalated Density Training (EDT) with the USB—264
  • Inferno Intervals—265-267
  • Why HIIT is better for fat loss than steady state cardio—266
  • The impact of growth hormone on fat loss—266
  • The 2 most crucial DVRT movements to practice religiously for spectacular results—270
  • How DVRT can be used to make fitness accessible and real for people—270
"In my 3 decades as an athletic preparation coach, I’ve studied, practiced, and applied all of the traditional methods of training athletes and clients of nearly all levels and ages. Josh Henkin’s DVRT, The Ultimate Sandbag Training System takes what is best from an old-style approach and fills in the holes of what is still missing. This newest book is a near bible to providing you with the principles to complete the package of program design. The focus is on the purpose of why you are training in the first place: to perform—and look—better outside of the workouts.

That an unstable tool is emphasized serves both a practical and symbolic centerpiece for any individual or team with the goal of realizing their full potential in health and performance. The demands needed for progressive adaptation are nearly built-in to training with the Ultimate Sandbag. The gripping options alone make it a worthy addition to anyone’s training facility or home gym. Add in the stance variations and you’ve got a library of exercises that are all based on basic movement patterns needed for optimal health and athletic performance.

No matter the same weight Ultimate Sandbag, the same exercise—the same individual experiences no 2 reps identically. In bang-for-buck training efficiency, that’s worthy of a gold star for competitive athletes and anyone desiring to enhance their overall function and physique."—VINCE MCCONNELL, Owner of McConnell Athletics, trainer to NFL and NCAA athletes, author of Invincible Abs
Read Reviews For: DVRT The Ultimate Sandbag Training System (paperback)
9.55 out of 10 (11 reviews)
Rated 10/10 Good in ways that I didn't anticipate.
By Dave Murray / Phoenix, AZ, USA

Although the book is about a very complete system, I'm not ready at this time to stop seeking to build up strength using black iron, so I was unsure if this book would be for me. Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and sandbags can all be used for many of the same things, but depending upon your objectives, some have strengths and weaknesses with respect to each other.

I'm 64, coming out of an overweight and detrained state and have found that I can only do so much in a given workout. My objective is to train with a mix of kettlebells, dumbbells, and sandbags where they best serve my objectives in an efficient manner. Josh Henkin has done a superb job of explaining how a sandbag is used to capitalize on it's strong purposes, and just what those really are. The thing is, some of those things can hurt you if not done properly. His progressions are not simply preparation for safely doing the "good stuff", they are good stuff that should not be rushed past. The most basic parts of his progressions look to be worthy parts of any program.

Using a Dan John Interventionish approach (push, pull, hinge, squat, carry + TGU) I can already see how I can choose, or rotate, tools to address my issues using the information in this DVRT book to safely and efficiently cover the bases. As Josh wrote, this isn't just a sandbag exercise book. The principles apply to other tools.

The book offers full sandbag programs, but has much to offer to people who would like to use a hybrid approach and do not wish to give up their iron cannonballs, barbells and/or dumbbells. I don't mean just pick some exercise, but pick one or more progressions that at each stage are a suitable addition/substitute for what you are doing.

I've already got sandbags, but haven't been using them since they seemed redundant and less efficient at a time when I'm finding that I need to take a tough, but minimalist approach. This book offers a fresh look at that assumption, and has convinced me that there is a proper place for sandbag exercises in my world. I'm really glad that I bought this book and will be rereading/studying it over and over as I use it. And I will be using it. That I can say with certainty.

Rated 10/10 DVRT is about Sandbag training and MORE!
By Beth Andrews / Cartersville, GA, US

WOW! What a well put together, thought-out system. I am totally interested in learning more about SB training. I'm sure you will be too after reading it. I think absolutely everyone can benefit in some way from this book. Josh covers a lot of information on strength training principles, variables and of course , how to use sandbags. He addresses the exercises from a movement perspective and leaves you without a question on how to program sandbags for the beginner to advanced. I was especially intrigued by the core section and the interesting variations of movement the sandbags offer.
I can't wait to attend a workshop and definitely recommend this book to everyone!

Rated 9/10 Who knew there was so much to sandbag training?
By Logan Christopher / Santa Cruz, CA, USA

I will tell you one thing, reading this book will make you want to lift sandbags.

It's quite the comprehensive system for doing just that. Josh covers tons of details, from how the sandbags developed (including why there are handles on his, to the dismay of sandbag purists if there is such a thing), and the information behind training this way.

It makes the sandbag a usable and great tool for anyone, even beginners. The exercise selection and programming is large. My favorite part is the many multi-dimensional movements, that bring out the best of what sandbags can offer. This is definitely a complete training guide for anyone looking to use sandbags.

The only reason I give 9 instead of 10 stars is I'd like to have seen a section about lifting really heavy sandbags, though I understand that wasn't the point of this book, and would have been somewhat separate from the theme. Still I was hoping :)

Rated 10/10 Great Book
By Stewart Lieber / Pleasantville, IA

I was very impressed with this book. It was very well written and you don't have to be a Ph. D. in anatomy and physiology to understand it. The explanation of how stabilizer muscles fit into the big picture was an eye opener. It clearly explains the differences between lifting free weights, kettlebells, and sandbags. You can't lift as much with a sandbag as you can with free weights but the sandbags can get you strong and work your stabilizing muscles which help you all around. I highly recommend the book. Great job by Josh Henkin and kettkebell superstar Adrienne Harvey who demonstrates some of the techniques.

Rated 10/10 Keira Newton Master RKC
By Keira Newton / Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

An excellent book filled with amazing photos. This is definitely the best I have seen as far as showing form and articulating how to do a lift. Well done, highly recommended!!

Rated 10/10 A user friendly and well done manual
By Moses Correa / Hainesport, USA

I recently ordered this book from Dragon Door with the hope of using it to get ready for a DVRT workshop next year. I have found it to be very clear and to the point regarding this system. In it I have learned how to use the sand-bag as a training tool for myself and am beginning to use it with certain students.
Thanks Josh and Dragon Door for this awesome book to it I give the highest rating!

Rated 10/10 DVRT. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle
By Steve Holiner / Brooklyn, NY, USA

This is the book that DVRT, Ultimate Sandbag and Josh Henkin fans have been waiting for. Josh has done an excellent job at breaking down the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training System in this book. The key factor is that DVRT is a "system" that has broader applications than just the USB. You'll quickly realize how DVRT can work as a standalone system using the USB, but also how it blends seamlessly with hardstyle kettlebell training. The book is both informative for fit pros and easy to follow for enthusiasts. If you've been interested in Ultimate Sandbags, this is the book for you.

Rated 10/10 It’s Not Just a Sandbag.
By Joe Chalakee / Torrance, CA, USA

It’s a system. Josh Henkin’s lays it out in his new book DVRT The Ultimate Sandbag Training System: For Dynamic Power, Superior Athletic Performance and Enduring Strength. Josh shows you How to train with the Ultimate Sandbag in a progressive way. He starts at the beginning with the deadlift. From there to the front hold clean. Then moves to the bear hog squat. Each exercise leads to another, and to another. It builds off each exercise to progress to the next. DVRT is a system that works!

Once you have the basic exercise Josh gives you workout at the back of the book. Set up as Beginner, Intermediate and Advance. As a fit pro, and a DVRT certified coach, if you are just staring out, start at the beginner workout. As you get better progress the next level you. His workouts are deceiving. That is what I like, and my clients, about using DVRT in training.

Someone pointed out in another review, that this book should be required to read before you attend a DVRT Certification. I would have to agree 100%! It would be to your advantage. If you are not planning to attend a the cert, then just adding it to your training and your library will add more to your workouts.

Rated 8/10 I have to get me one sand bag like that
By Amnon darsa / Kefar saba, Israel

Ok, so I got the DVRT book the other day via mail, I was interested to read about the system, after all its a sand bag! A nice looking one almost sterile like( there is no sand all over the place, so you can think about training at home)
When I opened the book the first thing I read was “it's not a sand bag.” Well I thought to myself, it is a fancy looking sand bag. And at the end of the day its just a sand bag!
I have to say that when I was in the IDF we “played” with sand bags... well not so much in the service but before, when I went to special units selections trials.... there was some sand bag training, mainly filling them with sand, carrying them some 50-200m away, emptying them and starting over again for a few hours.... not to mention carrying a Stretcher for a few klicks (km) to test our resilience
so needless to say I had some memory of sands bag “training.”

In comes the DVRT book. While reading – after overcoming my first reaction to ditch this book – I discovered a system that really made my interest rise, so at the end of it all I want to go and experiment with the ideas and exercises in the park.

As an RKC and Primal Move instructor for sometime and someone who believes in movement and tries to find more systems that incorporate movement and resistance training (the main reason I like KB) I think I have found the next thing!
Cant wait to meet Josh Henkin or one of the DVRT instructors and pic their brains about ideas for training!
Go go DVRT training!!!

Rated 8/10 Excellent explanation!
By Mark D / Zurich, Switzerland

I bought my first USB a couple of years back and have read a lot of Josh's manuals & blog posts since then. This is by far the best explanation of DVRT and actually of the concepts behind Sandbag and 'Functional' training in general that I have come across!

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